Archive for April 2014
No more deadline extensions for ACA exchanges
Large numbers of people across the country may have experienced delays in getting signed up for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s mandated health insurance exchanges, and as such the Obama administration recently allowed for those who went through such difficulties to take a little extra time beyond the March 31 deadline to get signed up.
Read MoreWhere do states go next under new health care law?
Now that the health insurance enrollment deadline has passed, many Americans may think that the ways in which they’ll have to deal with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act may no longer be significant, but that’s not the case.
Read MoreReport: Obamacare cheaper than expected
The latest cost projections released by the Congressional Budget Office suggest that health insurance costs under the ACA may be cheaper than once expected.
Read MoreExperts agree on need for long-term care financing overhaul
Today, millions of Americans are already receiving some sort of long-term health care as they age, and even more are likely to need it in the coming years and decades.
Read MoreAmericans who missed insurance deadline may still find coverage
March 31 has now passed, and that means that the millions of Americans who signed up for the federal or state-run health insurance exchanges before that date were able to successfully avoid facing a fine for going without.
Read MoreYoung people dissatisfied with lack of health insurance affordability?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was intended to reduce health insurance costs for millions of Americans, but it seems that the youngest age group may have been left behind in this regard.
Read MoreLife insurance regulators and insurers having to deal with more federal oversight
Insurance has traditionally been regulated by the States, but through Dodd-Frank, increased federal regulation of life insurance companies is inevitable.
Read MoreFed to raise interest rates this year, could boost life insurers
There may have been many reasons that life insurance companies have taken a bit of a hit in the last several years, both during and following the recession.
Read MoreFinal hours before enrollment deadline see surge
The deadline for Americans to sign up for the health insurance exchanges ahead of the date by which they would have been hit by a fine for not doing so has now come and gone, but it seems that millions of people made the effort to get in under the wire, fulfilling goals set by the Obama administration.
Read MoreWhere can consumers find flexibility on health care mandate deadline?
In the final days before the federally mandated March 31 deadline by which all Americans had to be covered by some sort of health plan, many were in the throes of trying to sign up for insurance policies that will help them avoid fines.
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