Moody’s Analytics AXIS Pricing and Projection System


L&E has selected Moody's Analytics (formerly GGY) AXIS software as its primary pricing/projection/valuation software. AXIS was evaluated to be a robust solution for a multitude of applications, such as principle-based reserves. L&E is committed to providing its clients with professional services in a cost effective manner. AXIS is a great fit for our next generation of software.

AXIS Expertise

L&E is well positioned to provide companies with support in converting their models over to AXIS. L&E has been using AXIS since 2007. In 2008 L&E committed to using AXIS as the primary pricing and projection system after utilizing internally produced software for nearly 40 years. Existing L&E pricing and projection models have been converted to AXIS. New projects are set up in AXIS. Over ten L&E consultants are actively using AXIS for our clients.

Typical Projects

We pride ourselves on being able to apply our extensive insurance and modeling knowledge in a fast and efficient manner. We feel AXIS is the ideal actuarial tool to get the job done. The list below is just a few of the projects we feel qualified to perform:

  • Pricing
  • Valuation
  • Asset adequacy analysis
  • New business projections
  • Principle based reserves
  • Stochastic testing
  • Risk-based capital projections
  • Embedded value
  • Illustration actuary testing
  • Actual/expected analysis
  • Life
  • Annuities
  • Health
  • Property and Casualty

Further information can be found at L&E AXIS Summary.