While many companies and workers alike have been able to find numerous positives from employee benefit plans that reward healthy behavior, it seems that one problem some may have actually comes in implementing them, as was highlighted by a recent case in Pennsylvania.

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Life insurance companies are looking for new ways to increase business as a consequence of the decline in interest in such products resulting from the recession. As older Americans began to view these policies as being extraneous, rather than necessary, it might be time to turn the focus to the generation which will eventually replace them.

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Regulatory efforts on the part of numerous agencies at both the state and federal levels in the last few years have focused particularly on various parts the insurance industry, and just such an initiative in New York recently resulted in a number of life insurance companies having to turn over more than $1.1 billion in unclaimed life insurance benefits.

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The life insurance industry has largely been flagging in the years since the recession for a number of reasons. If a new bill before the U.S. Senate is passed, though, it might allow them to see a significant uptick in business in realms they were previously not allowed to explore.

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Persistent, low interest rates have wreaked havoc on many life insurers' bottom lines in the last few years, but now that rates are starting to rise, that could create a different type of concern for these companies. As such, many may want to assess all of their investment options before making any major decisions.

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