Archive for September 2014
More types of life products could hit the market soon
Over the past several years, life insurance companies have learned the hard way that many consumers think they simply cannot afford such coverage, even as the economy continues to improve.
Read MoreHealth insurance costs through employers went up slightly this year
Over the past several years or more, many employers have taken to shifting costs for health insurance over to their employees, and that has resulted in people paying significantly more for their coverage.
Read MoreYoung adults still distrustful of P/C insurers?
When it comes to selling insurance policies of any type to young adults, many policy providers have likely found the last several years to be particularly difficult.
Read MoreLow-income workers seeing increased cost on health insurance
Across the country, workers of all stripes have likely seen their health insurance costs increase substantially over the last decade or more, but the problems that arise from that issue are not spread uniformly.
Read MoreSmall Businesses Find Lower-Cost Health Coverage Via SHOP Exchanges
In 2015, small businesses with at least 50 full-time employees will be required to provide health insurance options to those workers, while companies with fewer employees will continue to be exempt.
Read MoreFlorida hospitals may help low-income patients with insurance costs
One of the biggest concerns many consumers may have, even after the implementation of many of the various Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is that the cost of buying their coverage remains quite high, especially if they have lower incomes. However, it now seems as though some health care providers in Florida might be trying to help them deal with those costs.
Read MoreHealth insurance advertising trends important to track
The health insurance field is a competitive one, with many different companies trying to connect with consumers who, these days, are becoming more aware of the benefits of such coverage.
Read MoreNumber of uninsured Americans dropped substantially this year
One of the most important aspects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was, as the name implies, designed to make sure more Americans had access to reasonably priced health insurance coverage going forward.
Read MoreMany middle class Americans do not own life insurance
With the economy improving since the recent recession, it is important for insurance companies to look toward areas of potential growth. The middle class has always been a group that insurance companies targeted to gain new customers, but it seems as if the current uninsured or underinsured middle class offers further potential for growth based on a study recently completed by LIMRA.
Read MoreNew health insurance enrollment law could change coverage for many
The vast majority of Americans with health insurance get their coverage through their employers, a fact which was not changed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s coverage mandate that went into effect last year.
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