Many companies are examining the ways in which they market and sell annuities these days because of decreasing consumer interest, in part due to low interest rates. It is for this reason that these companies may want to take a number of things into consideration when planning their next steps.

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With confidence in the economy improving, the demand for certain types of life insurance has increased. With the economy steadily improving, but interest rates remaining relatively low, the demand for indexed and variable Universal (UL) products is increasing. This has led to an overall increase in premium growth in the first quarter of 2013.

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The ways in which the federal government is set to introduce and implement the health insurance exchanges put in place by the Affordable Care Act has come under significant scrutiny in recent months as the deadline for enrollment to begin approaches. Now, a nonpartisan government agency indicates these problems may be very troubling to properly giving consumers and companies alike access to the marketplaces.

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There are a number of economic factors weighing on small business owners these days, and these could have major impacts on their abilities to hire top workers in their field. However, despite these potential issues, more are now concentrating on providing higher-quality benefits as a means of drawing in these applicants for open positions, and keeping those already working for them in the fold.

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In recent years, a large and growing number of companies nationwide have determined that they may be able to reduce their employee healthcare costs by instituting wellness programs designed to get workers healthier. Now, new regulations for how these initiatives can be run have been released by a number of federal agencies.

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