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Montana passes new law for life insurers

By David Palmer

There have been many regulatory changes for the life insurance industry in the past few years, both at the federal and state levels. One that life insurers may want to keep a close eye on, in particular, was recently passed in Montana.

Income annuity sales climbed to record high in fourth quarter

By Lisa Jiang

Though many income annuity issuers have seen only small upticks or even declines in business over the last several years, the ongoing economic recovery seems to be helping the industry considerably. In the final three months of last year, sales of these financial products reached an all-time high.

Are richer Americans overlooking retirement needs?

By Michael Mayberry

Millions of Americans are struggling to accumulate retirement savings to where they need to be to adequately prepare for their post-career lives. What most people don't realize is that this struggle extends even to affluent workers. As such, it might be wise for annuity issuers to connect with more affluent consumers to help them increase their retirement security while simultaneously generating more business.

What do young people think of life insurance?

By Lewis & Ellis

While there may be many misconceptions out there about the ways in which the life insurance industry works, particularly among young people, it seems that many Americans under the age of 40 understand the value such policies can hold, meaning that it may be wise for insurers to do more to educate these prospective Millennial customers going forward.