Consultants to Contact
- Allison Young - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Bonnie Albritton - Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Brian Rankin - Vice President & Principal (Washington, D.C.)
- Brian Stentz - Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Cabe Chadick - President & Managing Principal (Dallas)
- Chris Merkel - Senior Vice President & Principal (Kansas City)
- David Dillon - Senior Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Daniel Moore - Vice President & Senior Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- David Palmer - Vice President & Principal (Baltimore)
- Glenn A. Tobleman - Executive Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Heather Robinson - Senior Consultant & Director - Underwriting (Kansas City)
- Jamie Fender - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Jason Dunavin - Vice President & Senior Consulting Actuary (Kansas City)
- Jeffrey D. Lee - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Kansas City)
- Josh Hammerquist - Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Jing Qian - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Jacqueline Lee - Vice President & Principal (Dallas)
- Kevin Ruggeberg - Vice President & Senior Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Kim Shores - Vice President & Principal (Kansas City)
- Muhammed Gulen - Vice President & Legal Consultant (Dallas)
- Moshe Nelkin - Senior Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Mark Stukowski - Vice President & Principal (Denver)
- Patrick Glenn - Vice President & Principal (Kansas City)
- Robert Dorman - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Traci Hughes - Vice President & Senior Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Tom Roberts - Vice President & Consulting Actuary (Dallas)
- Vickie Goodman - Vice President & Director - Compliance (Kansas City)
The rollout of the health insurance exchange websites mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was infamously rocky, and left the Obama administration vulnerable to criticism while also potentially costing millions of Americans the chance to find affordable health insurance options as early as possible. Fortunately, these issues were handled relatively quickly by a huge push from the White House, and a similar one now seems to be under way for the second open enrollment period.
Later this year, the ACA's marketplaces will once again open to the public, and the Obama administration is hard at work trying to solve a number of problems on the sites' back end that could make things a little more difficult for enrollees going forward, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. Perhaps chief among these is the ability of the system to make sure insurance policy providers are paid automatically.
This may become even more problematic because the contractors that handled the initial rollout of the website are no longer in control of it, and there may be some significant compatibility issues in the offing as well, the report said. In addition to fixing the back-end issues that remain, and which consumers generally do not see or have to worry about, are actual user-related issues such as changes to the way people will be able to apply, and a new comparison tool that helps them find the most affordable coverage available to them based on a number of factors.
How will it work?
The issue for the federal government is that there's not usually a way to simulate millions of Americans moving onto the new system within a relatively short period of time, and as such it seems that determining whether all these changes will work as hoped will have to wait for enrollment to open once again on Nov. 15, the report said. Many experts say that this simply may not be enough time to get every detail of the system right, and even with several months still remaining, this is generally considered to be a narrow time frame.
Insurers who can do more to improve consumers' chances to find the most affordable coverage outside the exchanges could benefit significantly. People who are wary of the exchanges, or do not qualify for them, may still be on the lookout for affordable coverage.